1. Flight Price:
How much for traveling to this city?? The flight price could change if you have Baggage or Luggage, for example if you only have a Carry On Luggage you can travel in VivaAirColombia, also you can find out some promos with another airlines like Avianca.
Bogotá to Santa Marta (round trip): Exclusive dates, contact us for further information in our Instagram or at the Comments below.
VivaAir | Avianca | Latam | ||
Starting at→ | 54USD | 109USD | 123USD | |
Baggage → | NO. | YES | NO. | |
Carry On → | YES. | YES | YES. | |
Seat Selection→ | NO. | YES | NO. | |
Buy now → | CLICK | HERE |
Medellín to Santa Marta (round trip): Exclusive dates, contact us for further information in our Instagram or at the Comments below.
VivaAir | Avianca | Latam | ||
Starting at → | 69 USD | 85 USD | 101 USD | |
Baggage → | NO. | YES | NO. | |
Carry On → | YES. | YES | YES. | |
Seat Selection → | NO. | YES | NO. | |
Buy now → | CLICK | HERE |
Remember that we can help you to find out what you want (talking about prices and dates) so, don't be shy! Contact us at www.instagram.com/volarecolombia and ask us for help. Need a guide? Send a message now!
2. Hotels: We have selected three hotels for you, from most expensive to cheaper!!
Starting at 251 USD x 4 nights (2 adults) Click here to book.
Starting at 56 USD x 4 nights (2 adults) Click here to book.
3) AIRBNB: We know that you may not like Hotels, so here are one apartment that you can rent using our code for a discount of 40 USD!!
This Cozy apartment is near to the airport, it is a beautiful place to enjoy the city.
Night Price: 44 USD (2 adults) Click here to get a 40 USD discount and click here to book it. (174 USD per 4 nights)
Starting at 56 USD x 4 nights (2 adults) Click here to book.
3) AIRBNB: We know that you may not like Hotels, so here are one apartment that you can rent using our code for a discount of 40 USD!!
This Cozy apartment is near to the airport, it is a beautiful place to enjoy the city.
Night Price: 44 USD (2 adults) Click here to get a 40 USD discount and click here to book it. (174 USD per 4 nights)
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